Lol Strategy Wiki

Hello Wikians. This wiki is new, and as such you may not be familiar with what we aim to do here. We have several goals in the wiki, which will be crossed out when completed:


  • Goal 1:Introduce ability information of all the current Champions.
  • Goal 2:Make an introduction for each champion, including his/her strengths and things that make him unique. Eg:

"Brand is a burst mage that relies on Comboes. His abilites set his targets Ablaze, making consequent abilites on such targets gain bonus effects. His main strengths include high Area of Effect Damage and heavy single-target nuking. However, due to his lack of escape mechanics, good positioning or Flash is required to live through most teamfights."

  • Goal 3:Create a Pros and Cons list for each champion. Some funny ones are allowed, but may be removed if inappropriate.
  • Goal 4:Make a general Strategy for each champion. This will probably end up similar to the LoL Wiki strategy Pages, with a Recommended Items build. These will not be riot confirmed, but must be Agreed upon by the majority of people.
  • Goal 5:Create every item page. Import info from the LoL Wiki.
  • Goal 6:Make a list of Synergies for each item, as well as reasoning for each champion.

Extra Info[]


  • For Guides, you can create new pages. The format of the title will be: "Username:Championname-Custom title". For example, if I were to make a Sona guide, I could call it: "Demise101:Sona-The Pentakill Queen". The guides can use some swear words, but overuse or obviously malicious language will cause the guide to be deleted. Also, you MUST put all references at the bottom of the guide. Also, when giving Screenshots, you must blank out all summoner names other than your own.

Champion Reworks, Ideas:

  • These must be made as a Blog. It should clearly have the prefix: "Champion Idea" or "Rework Idea" Followed by who you want to rework or who you are introducing.


  • These forums will be like Riot's. Unlike the LoL Wiki's, these can and (hopefully) will be used for any League of Legends Topics. Repeated OP Cries will be deleted.

Feel free to ask me about anything in the comments below!

